Submarine Channel

Civilization: Heaven / Hell Super-loop

Stock footage, movie footage and original clips in an eternal ascending loop from hell to heaven! Yes please! The incredible piece of (so much more than) video art that is Civilization was created for the elevators in New York’s Standard Hotel. Filmographic genius man Marco Brambilla came up with this beyond awesome interpretation of Dante’s Inferno, which takes you from the dank depths of hell, right up to the lofty heights of heaven via the various stages of purgatory (or vice versa, if you’re on your way out). Remarkable attention to tiny details makes Civilization a great one for repeated viewing – see if you can spot the Michelin man in lower purgatory. And what’s your bet on where MJ ended up?

Via Motionographer.

Fascinating interview with the co-creators (Crush).



American Prince


Mike Hill

John Nevarez
